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Updates on the way! For recent documentation of works, please send an email to: saskiajanssen@xs4all.nl
Oops sorry! this website needs to be updated! Updates on the way! For recent documentation of works, please send an email to: saskiajanssen@xs4all.nl 2 month residency at Schunck Museum, Heerlen- together with George Korsmit, Dec.2019 -Jan.2020 Workshop for Schunck Museum & Library staff: 23 and 24 January, 2-6 pm. Opening 25-4- 2020. […] Screening of the Rainbow Soulclub movie, commissioned by the Atelier Rijksbouwmeester event The Meaning of Life, Pier van Scheveningen, 2pm.
Saskia Janssen & George Korsmit will be in residency Lijiang Studio in July and August. Artist talks, film screening & performances on the Jixiang village market on Tuesdays 8-12 pm. With thanks to the Mondriaan Fonds. […] Sorry! This website is not updated …. updates are on the way! (I’m looking for a Word Press specialist with a lot of time!) Saskia Janssen & George Korsmit will stay at artist residency Lijiang Studio in July-August 2019; artist talks, film screening & performances on the local Jixiang market on Tuesdays 8-12 Re-arrangemnet of Priorities #2, a presentation by Rainbow Soulclub collective at Cargo in Context, opening 8 March 5-7 p.m.; meet & greet & talk by Rainbow Soulclub on 11 March 3 p.m.; finissage on 23 March 4-6 p.m. – Haparandadam 7, Amsterdam. www.instagram.com/rainbowsoulclub […] On Friday 18 January 2019 a next episode of Lost & Found will take place at the Theatrum Anatomicum of the Waag. The theme of this event: regret; with confessions by a.o. Io Cooman, Alma Matthijssen, Jan Hoek, Julia van Mourik, Saskia Janssen. Lost & Found is an evening for stray images and sound. […] 12 September West Wednesdays, walk nr. 13. Undercurrent 18.00-21.30 a walk with tour guide RainbowSoulclub, starting at 18.00h sharp at the walk-in center Oud-West, Bilderdijkstraat 182. drinks, food, free hair cuts, a studio visit, free pencil drawings and more. West Wednesdays FREE BIRD RADIO, a -slightly political- radioprogram for birds, Saskia Janssen, 2018 at the group exhibition Lûd, 15 August – 15 October, a sound exhibition in publics, Rijs, curated by Rudy van Hodel, with a.o. Voebe de Gruyter, Uri Aran, Dora Garcia & Jan Mech, Falke Pisano, Matt Mullican, Peter Zegveld. […] |