2nd year graphic design / teacher Saskia Janssen 2005/2006
1 sept- 30 june Project Gimme Shelter:
A collaborative project of 2nd year graphic design students & clients of De Regenboog Foundation
click here for more : www.rainbowsoulclub.nl
!! 13 april 16.00 opening of our exhibition in shelter De Princehof, & release Gimme Shelter newspaper #1
Oudezijds Voorburgwal 165, Amsterdam.
release Gimme Shelter newspaper issue # 2 -21 sept. ’06
Hi! Join our release of the newspaper “Gimme Shelter” issue nr 2, a project by the 3’rd (then 2nd) year students of the graphic design department. The project was initiated by Saskia Janssen in collaboration with Stichting De Regenboog, a foundation dealing with drug users and homeless people in Amsterdam.
We all made a project together with users of the shelters -which resulted in a lot of crazy and interesting things. Finally it all came together in a newspaper.
This thursday at 17:00 in the graphic design sturdio at the 2nd floor.
Drop by for a drink and a look.. …..
Hope to see you there,
The 3rd year crew
Photography class
reviews on 19th december 9.30-16.30 h
useful super 8 links :