DANCING WITH THE ALPHABETH, A performance by the first year Graphic Design students for The Holland Festival 15 June 2012, 21.00 h at the Frascati Theatre!
DANCING WITH THE ALPHABETH, A performance by the first year Graphic Design students for The Holland Festival 15 June 2012, 21.00 h at the Frascati Theatre! Messages & News for Rietveld Students 2009/2010 week 39 / monday 21-9-2009 till saturday 25-9-2009
Hello everybody, The photography workshops will take place on 4 monday afternoons : Uta & Saskia
Messages & News for Rietveld Students 2008/2009 Messages & News for Rietveld Students / 2e Vakjaar Graphic Design Group B / teacher: Saskia Janssen AGENDA week 16 / monday 13-4-2009 no class because of admission week
Bird Magazine nr. 2 was released six days before the death of Michael Jackson on 25-6-2009. May he be in bird peace forever. Messages & News for Rietveld Students / 2e Vakjaar Graphic Design Group B / teacher: Saskia Janssen Mondays 13.30h-18.00h- 2nd floor room 216 / project : a Bird’s Magazine
The 42nd birthday of the Gerrit Rietveld building: a colourful protest against moving out of the building and a grey birthday cake.
Messages & News for Rietveld Students
Messages & News for Rietveld Students Messages & News for Rietveld Students : 2e Vakjaar Graphic Design Group B / teacher: Saskia Janssen
“I am A Band”, photography + music assignment for Group B / G.O 1st vakjaar ’06-’07 2nd vakjaar Graphic Design/ GROUP B: 1 nov. – 1 feb.
The release Gimme Shelter newspaper issue # 2 ->>>21 sept. ’06 Hi! Join our release of the newspaper “Gimme Shelter” # 2, a project by the 3’rd (then 2nd) year students of the graphic design department. The project was initiated by Saskia Janssen in collaboration with Stichting De Regenboog, a foundation dealing with drug users and homeless people in Amsterdam. This thursday at 17:00 in the graphic design sturdio at the 2nd floor. Hope to see you there, The 3rd year crew!
2nd year graphic design / teacher Saskia Janssen 2005/2006 1 sept- 30 june Project Gimme Shelter: release Gimme Shelter newspaper issue # 2 -21 sept. ’06 Hi! Join our release of the newspaper “Gimme Shelter” issue nr 2, a project by the 3’rd (then 2nd) year students of the graphic design department. The project was initiated by Saskia Janssen in collaboration with Stichting De Regenboog, a foundation dealing with drug users and homeless people in Amsterdam. This thursday at 17:00 in the graphic design sturdio at the 2nd floor. Hope to see you there, The 3rd year crew Photography class reviews on 19th december 9.30-16.30 h useful super 8 links : www.super8.nl
2004/2005 – Rietveld Academy- 1e Vakjaar Photography + 2e Vakjaar Graphic Design/ group A; teacher: Saskia Janssen
9 may 17.00h opening of “Gra-Stumble” in Foam. A presentation of works made during the Istanbul trip. 19-26 april : trip for Photography department to Istanbul. 4 april 13.30 hour : Guest Artists L.A Raeven talk about their works at Ellen de Bruijne PROJECTS, Rozengracht 207, Amsterdam. ( for 1e vakjaar Photography ànd 2e vakjaar Graphic Design) Meeting with Jan -Maarten Buissant, editor-in-chief of Z-Magazine, in Saskia’s studio,with 1e vakjaar Photography, 21 march ’05 Speedrace in the Kalverstraat/by Matthias Kreuzer 8-2-2005 presentation of 1e vakjaar graphic design and 1e vakjaar photography 17 december 2004 Presentation 1e vakjaar in museum De Paviljoens in Almere 17 june – 1 juli 2004